The Robbins-de Beaumont Foundation is a family-based philanthropic organization, founded in November 1992.
The foundation supports nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations whose goals are helping people reach their full potential as contributing members of their families, neighborhoods, and society.
Since inception the foundation has distributed over $12,000,000 in grants with the average grant size being $16,000. The foundation has funded over 700 grants to just over 225 organization.
Grant submissions are currently by invitation only.
Education of children and adults in the areas of
We provide seed-money for new, innovative projects or special programs which address identified needs of the community served and have relatively modest operating budgets.
The average grant size over the past five years is about $25,000. Typically, we do not provide grants of more than $50,000.
We do not fund capital campaign, debt reduction, cash reserves, endowment, multi-year pledges, organizations whose primary mission or focus is mental health, medical training, physical and mental disabilities.
Typically, the Foundation does not fund organizations for more than three consecutive years. Organizations who are completing their third year may be invited to reapply after taking at least a one-year break from Robbins-de Beaumont funding.
The Foundation does not typically fund organizations whose budgets exceed $2 million unless the grant is to fund a specific project or program within a larger organization.
The Founder did not wish to support organizations whose primary mission or focus is a single gender, race, religion or nationality on a non-inclusive basis.
If invited by an Advisory Board member, Trustee or other member of the founder’s family, the grant seeker must submit the following by March 1 (grants are awarded in December):
First time invitee to Robbins-de Beaumont Foundation?
If invited by an Advisory Board member, Trustee or other member of the founder’s family, please fill out a Concept paper by March 1.
If you have skipped a fiscal year in funding, please communicate with your Advisory Board Member prior to submitting a Concept paper by March 1.
Concept paper approved? If the concept paper submitted by your organization has been approved by the Foundation’s advisory board, please visit our Full-proposal invite tab.
Writing concept papers & full-proposals requires Philanthropy Massachusetts Common Grant Application Language. The Common Grant Application Language and Instructions can be found at:
The Robbins-de Beaumont Foundation has no staff. Trustees and/or Advisory Board members may, on occasion, meet with applicants and/or conduct site visits.
The Advisory Board meets at least twice a year, but makes grant determinations only at a final meeting, usually in December.
Before submission of a formal proposal using Philanthropy Massachusetts Common Grant Application Language, an invited applicant must submit a concept paper consisting of not more than two (2) pages by March 1 in the following form:
Page 1 Use the Concept paper cover sheet. The Cover Sheet provides essential data about the organization, contact info, and other pertinent information.
Please use the Concept paper cover sheet to attach your one-page narrative.
Page 2 Download our One-page narrative editable PDF,
Or, using font size 10 or greater with 1 inch margins, provide a one-page narrative of y our proposal which also includes the following:
Your one-page concept narrative needs to be attached to the Concept paper cover sheet.
Failure to follow these requirements will preclude consideration of the concept paper by our Advisory Board.
If the concept paper is approved, you will be notified by a RdB Foundation administrator, and a formal proposal on AGM’s new Common Proposal Form must be submitted by June 30.
Please read through Our funding approach & Application forms & documents to help craft a proposal that can best support your organization while also aligning with our grant guidelines.
Concept paper cover sheet | One-page narrative |
Intent to re-apply? If you have received funding from Robbins-de Beaumont foundation in the prior fiscal year, have not received (3) three consecutive years of RdB funding, and have indicated an intent to re-apply to the RdB Administrator by March 1st, you are invited to submit a full proposal by June 30.
If your organization has received their (3rd) third consecutive year of funding, your organization should take at least a one-year break from Robbins-de Beaumont before re-applying with a concept paper for the March 1st deadline of that years grant cycle.
Full proposal cover sheet | Project & organization budget |
Common proposal form | Impact statement |